we take you from idea to business
and empower you every step of the way
so you won't need us forever

the short version


Think of us as an incubator for micro or single-person businesses. MicroHive co is aimed at micro-enterprise development. Modern technology allows a single creative individual to turn their talent or product into a thriving business, but the challenge is to bridge the gap between concept and reality. We draw on a network of experts in our hive to give you what you need.


When we want to grow our online presence, we often think in terms of marketing. The problem is, so is everyone else. Billions of marketing dollars are fighting with each other to get to the top of your feed. But do you know what else makes it to the top of your feed? Random strangers on TikTok speaking sincerely from their living room. Isn’t that interesting?


Content should always be self-referential. Don't think in terms of pieces of content, think in terms of a content ecosystem. When someone engages with what you put out there, you have one of their most valuable resources for that moment, their attention. So what are you going to do with it? Do you allow it to dissipate, or do you capture it?


One fatal mistake we see happens during the conceptualisation phase. It’s so easy to get caught up in what we want to offer people, that we can easily forget that people don’t care about us, yet. They care about their own needs. If you want them to care about what you’re doing, you have to phrase it in terms of their needs.


You ARE the business. When you’re a micro or single-person enterprise, this statement seems obvious, but it’s deeper than we think. If you have a bad day, your business has a bad day. If you procrastinate, nothing progresses. The buck stops with you. Designing systems that can carry you on bad days and keep you accountable is essential.


MicroHive co is about facilitation. Facilitation isn't about creating something new, it's about taking what's already there and helping it. The Latin root, 'facilis', means easy. To make something easy. That's what we do. You've already been thinking. You've already been planning. You have a lot of it figured out already, but the parts you don't are often the challenging parts.

Allow us to take those challenging parts, and make them easy. We've seen it all. Every project is unique, but even unique things follow patterns. We've checked it out and laid it out. You could do it all alone, or we could make it a little bit easier for you.

What makes us different from business coaches? Our team have personal experience launching, running and growing businesses and non-profits, so we've been through it ourselves. We also have a whole network of experts in our hive to give us insight into your specific niche.


Annette Venter
- Co-founder of Down to Earth

What started as just another idea grew to a full-fledged business through MicroHive co's guidance! From packing boxes in our living room to having a warehouse with full-time employees. It was a wild ride, and there is limited time in a day, but luckily we knew exactly where to spend our time to get the best results. Through it all we never had to resort to tricks or compromise our values. We built real and lasting connections with our community and made a profit.

About: Down to Earth is a plastic-free grocery delivery service that connects local farmers and artisans to clients.

Axl (from MicroHive co) is a wonderful and inspired entrepreneurial mentor. He has a really bright and caring heart and is an insightful visionary. Like an attentive and devoted parent, he appreciates and nurtures my innate talents and gifts, and guides me by highlighting the strategies that are in alignment with my deepest calling, so that I may fulfill my truest potential in service.

About: Vinay has a Chinese medical practice and creates unique tinctures to boost mood and uplift.

Vinay Jagjivan
- Chinese Medical Practitioner and Herbalist
Jacobus Venter
- Scholar, Astrologer and Online Personality

Feedback pending!

About: Kavi is a Tropical Vedic astrologer with a global footprint.

Christo Visser
- Vice-Chairman of Food for Life - Stellenbosch

MicroHive co's team played an invaluable role in conceptualising, creating, running and promoting our sustainability courses through Stellenbosch University. With MicroHive co's exceptional team and network, we were always able to get the knowledge we required, and we would definitely recommend working with them.

About: Food for Life - Stellenbosch is a non-profit that focusses on sustainability education.